Heritage Wimbledon Park



The Wimbledon Park 61ha Grade II* Heritage landscape designed by Capability Brown needs assistance to remain on Historic England’s register & be improved for public benefit and benefit of users of the Park so it can be enjoyed by everybody and saved for generations to come.

Designed by Capability Brown

Capability Brown’s Wimbledon Park (Only 61ha of the original 374ha remain) now in three ownerships:

  1. The Golf course is owned by the All England Lawn Tennis Club (30ha)
  2. The Public Park is owned by the LB Merton (27ha including 9ha lake)
  3. The Wimbledon Club own the area marked TWC (4ha)

The Heritage Landscape has important Vistas and provides habitat for many special places for nature & these include:

    • Wimbledon Park lake
    • Ashen Grove (ancient woodland)
    • Veteran trees particularly oak (Quercus robur)

Examples of inhabitants include:

    • Seven bat species
    • Critically Endangered European eel (Anguilla anguilla)
    • Stag beetle (Lucanus cervus)

These uncommon and declining assets need safeguarding!